I interviewed about 25 realtors while building the Neighborhood, looking for the best in San Francisco.

Lisa & John are the two I recommend.

Lisa Zahner
John Dallas

Between them they have over 35 years of experience.

Both are past Presidents of the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association.

Lisa personally played a role in revitalizing Divisadero Street during the 2010s by recruiting 5-10 small businesses to move in to vacant storefronts by calling her way through the yellow pages.

Lisa is also a developer. She co-owns and has redeveloped 10 apartments.

Both know all about most properties in Hayes Valley, Alamo Square, Duboce Triangle, Cole Valley, and the Lower Haight. They're also knowledgeable about Noe and the Mission.

They work together from an office on Divisadero St.

If you're serious about buying a home or a live/work space in the next 6-12 months, I'd be happy to introduce you.

Email Jason for an intro (click here)

Full disclosure: I split the buyer's commission with John & Lisa, at no cost to you. There's no adverse selection effect: everyone I asked offered me a referral agent deal, and others offered higher splits, but I still chose to work with John & Lisa. Buying a house is likely the biggest purchase of your life and I want my friends to be in good hands.